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Oh my... I really enjoyed this game! At first I was a little afraid that it will be another typical story with BL , but I was wrong!
Story was mega nice for me to read. I just loved this little details like words that I don't know has links to its meanings. For someone it's nothing, but for me it was really nice thing, especcialy when English it's not my nativ language and some of words was not understable for me. So it's really nice detail.

The music... For the love of Fate, I just love it so much. It was amazingly good for all atmosphere. I don't know how to decribe how much I love it. Even when I ended game I was listening to it.

Right now I'm only sad that I found this game so late! Really amazing job!


the end credits was SO GOOD i really wish i could find the song 

The music was really good!


I love this game. The fact that it's so short makes me sad. I really wish this was just a demo for a longer story. =_( Love the concept, the art style and the glossary. It's different. =)


This is so far the best BL game I've played in a while. It's a bit short but very interesting, especially for someone like me who is not american and doesn't know much about the country's history. The slang dictionary is really impressive! Also I enjoyed the characters and their interactions very much. And I was very pleased with the ending, threesome is a nice choice :D Thank you so much for this game, it's a real jewel.

(1 edit) (+4)

At first, the single tied ending threw me off a bit, and I couldn't imagine how that would exactly work. But to my suprise, I actually really enjoyed this game ^^ The characters were very funny, and had adorable interactions with eachother. I also loved the more educational side of it, especially reading all the slang infos. Really good work ^^
Edit: I forgot to mention, the music is amazing! After finishing I just kept my game on for a bit to listen to it, haha. 


I played this several months back, but I did enjoy it. It's on the short side and I hoped for more endings, but it's a good game.


I loved Your Dry Delight. The music was great and liked how they had a glossary for all the 1920s words we didn't know. I just wish it was longer and had some sexual content.


I am a big fan of argent games and I had so much fun playing this! I feel that it was spicey enough for a free game. The era of time was such an interesting choice and I really enjoyed how you guys played with that. Looking forward to your other games!


I love the game, I even use your GUI as a benchmark for my visual novel lol. Keep up the good work!


This was truly the opposite of a dry delight!

ok I'm sorry ;u; just wanted to say i really liked it, k thx

So I got to a point where it says I have to play Leslie's route or go back to the first choice, and I'm confused. Help, please?

This should mean that you just completed Eastman's route and should play Leslie's route (if you have not yet) or play again (to get the 3rd ending).

I only got to the point of Leslie and Meyer deciding that they were going to meet in a hotel. My screen just qent black and then said to do Leslie's route. Is that the ending of the game?

Have you tried playing the game again to access the other routes?


I did, but I did it on the same save. I suppose I will try again! :D 

(1 edit) (+4)

Another great game from argent games. It has a really good story hooking the readers and always getting them interested for more. It's a free game and for a game that is free like this. It has a really high quality.  I just wished I could've supported you guys when this game was being made. Pretty sure the story would be longer. I applaud you guys and the team members part of this project for working hard and doing quite of a research on the history of it.


i loved your other games i cant wait to play this yay keep up the good work😜


I'm drawn in another temptation of BL game... especially it took the theme of Roaring 20's xD

The approach of same conclusion through different perspectives, accompanied with those rich quotes, is very appreciated ^^


I love this so much and really hope to see more games from you guys!

Also, Leslie is adorable, indeed.


Hi again! I got parts 2 and 3 up on my channel. 

 Do I have to just keep playing to unlock boss man too?

Very fun game so far.


okay this game is fantastic why is it free? this was great. great job

walkthrough? No video/YouTube walkthroughs please.


For a game that is free, this is top quality! I really enjoyed the story and the music is great. I love Meyer's witty personality and Leslie's child-like (but serious at times) charm.  You've won me over with these two loveable characters. 

The character art is absolutely beautiful! Well done to the artist. I love the panning scenes with the background as well, it feels like I'm watching a tv show rather than playing a game. 

I can't sing your team enough praise, seriously, great job on this! =D


This is such a beautiful game, can't get enough of it, keep up the good work :-)


Enjoyed this throwback to the prohibition days visual novel. It reminds me alot of another game i've played. I think it was called the blind griffin. The theme was around the same time but, different story ideas. It had the same slang as, implemented here where if there was a slang word you could click on it and, get the definition. Really cool what you did here either way.

Even thought this was a short game I really did enjoy it! Another job well done!!


...Huh? Realised? When did that happend? How could I missed it?! Dutifuly downloading now and playing this beautiful gem


Hey, I played through Meyer's route. It's really amazing so far. I love his characterization! The writing and art is really good. I'll have to try out Leslie's soon. Can I put a Let's Play up of it? I'd like to.

Thanks for releasing the game! Happy it's free too. August is fun.


Thank you for the kind words! And certainly, we'd love to see any Let's Plays!


Thanks. I uploaded the first ep under my YT account Schrient. It's pretty fun so far!

Hi! I stumbled across your game and I thought it was interesting so as I was about to download it I realized it wasn't available for macOS :c I was curious on whether it would be available eventually though?


Hello! It will be available for Mac (through itch and Steam), just not iOS (app store).

Deleted 6 years ago

Oh okay cool! Is the demo going to be available for Mac in the meantime? I look forward to playing the game once it's available and thanks for replying :)

The full game will be free, so there won't be a separate demo. You're welcome!

(1 edit) (+1)

Oh okay cool. I'll just wait for the full game to come out for Mac and I will for sure download and play it then :)

Hi there! This VN sounds like it might be fun! I hope you can release it! Will there be a demo or is the whole game going to be free on release?

Good luck!

The full game will be free! 


Very nice! Thanks for replying!


AAAH I love VNs in that setting / time period! So hyped!

I'm curious about the route system since you say it has two routes but a single ending. Can't really imagine how that would work but oh well, I'll see.

Lately I've been playing a lot of Red Embrace, even though I didn't test the newest route yet, but I must admit that while I loved the story, characters and art in that one, I'm not a huge fan of the choice/stat system you used. But it's nice to see you try new things with each new game!


why pg 13 again? your R18's are so much better.


While some of our games have and will include R-18 content, many will not, both to make them suitable for Google Play/Steam content restrictions and because not every story needs adult scenes. 


Please make it onto steam, if  this won‘t be too trouble. I live in China, and get a horrible download speed with foreign network. இдஇ So I got all your previous works from steam
Also I love 1920s and detective story as my life!!! Can't wait for playing it!

Request heard, it's coming to Steam! The store page is up so you can add it to your Steam wishlist (in fact, please do as it will help the game reach more people when it's released :))


Thank you so much!!!! I just finish playing it ten minutes ago. It is more wonderful than my imagination .Only one thing I have to say, it‘s toooooo short.( Could not complain about that, after all it's free XD) Just wonder would there be some kind of sequel for this game by any chance ? 

And also looking forward to your next work (*≧▽≦)

Glad to hear you enjoyed it! At this time, there is no plan to create a sequel.


Oh wow, this is a year late. Anyway, please do write a sequel, that would be brilliant, having a story where all three are together, and together if you get my drift, throughout the story. I really loved this though. Brought some joy to my little historian heart.

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