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(1 edit)

Hello! I realize that the Android install instructions for the game are explained, but I'm having issues following through. I've tried asking the internet for help but can't manage to figure out how to do each step, and was hoping anyone could at least gimmie a push the right direction? Much thanks!

Hello! We've updated the instructions for installing the Android version. You'll need to unzip the file after downloading it to your phone. You might need to search the Play store for an app that can unzip files. Then, if only one file (.apk) appears, clicking it should lead you to installation instructions. If two files appear, try to follow the installation instructions.

A bit expensive but looks pretty nice

Hello, I have some questions to ask:

1) If I buy the game on steam can I apply the R18 patch?

2) Are the sex scenes voiced in the patch? 

I have to buy the game on here to get voiced sex scenes?

1) Yes, you can apply R18 patch to the game purchased on Steam. Itch has a convenient build that already includes the R18 scenes.

2) Yes.


Played this with a friend, and honestly thinking of buying this just to have myself! Lin was my favorite, but Sabre's nsfw art and scene was... oh my. XD <3333

(1 edit)

Hi, this game is really great. The voice actor is good too. I just want to suggest something, a slightly chubby or stocky dateable character maybe for your other games? Since I like that type of character but its only a suggestion tho. Other than that, keep up with a bunch great game.

Deleted post

Hi! The Sabre route is not working for me. I tried both the R-18 pc version and the PG-13 w/ R-18 patch. I found a route guide online and it appears I'm not getting one of the choice scenes I'm missing is required, it's just skipping it completely. Was this route discontinued or changed?

(1 edit)

Hello, the route was not changed. Can you send us an email ( with more details on the missing choice scene? Have you already completed Arden's route?


this is the most expensive game i've seen on, why so expensive? it had better be well worth it if i'm paying more than $10 for a game on because most games here are not worth more than  $5 even so if u are charging $25 then the game better be one of the best of it's genre ever imo (i'm not buy if u couldn't tell $25 is way too much for an 18+ visual novel, maybe if the price goes below $10 i will think about it)

(1 edit)

I am having the darndest time trying to install the r-18 patch. Full game was bought with steam key.  I am not too computer savy, is there any guide on how to find the file and install it? I clicked on the above and it showed it downloaded but where do I go from there?  I cannot seem to find the READ ME tzt file and unzipping didn't seem to work. :(  I wish that you made this more user friendly.  Can you implement the download from steam itself in the future?

Ps Love the game so far :)

Hello, more detailed instructions can be found here.

(1 edit)

Hi, I think your game chess of blades is really cool the art and the storyline is amazing butt... everytime  I open it it has a traceback stating that the background png for day 2 (the festival thing after you talk to Linnaeus) doesn't exist..... ( this is for the demo)

Hi, We've updated the build to address that bug, thanks! That is also the end of the demo. 

Oh, thanx but I'm really curious which one of these games is your first?

In order of game release:

Deleted post

Thanks! We hope you'll check out (and enjoy!) some of our other games :)

We don't have plans for a sequel at the time.

I Seen that you Recently removed the R-18 rating from android devices. Is there a reson you can talk about it openly? I just got a new phone and wanted to play through it again. And on the subject of that Will the android not get a R-18 version when Red Embrace Hollywood comes out?


Looks like it was hidden by mistake. It should be visible again for download (but do let us know if anything is broken/crashes)! It will be receiving an optimization update in the future.

(1 edit) (+1)

Will most definitely do.  Thank you! Been wanting to replay through everything for awhile now.  New phone is plenty good excuse now XD 

Did the R-18 patch get removed for some reason?  I am looking at the screenshots of where it is supposed to be and I'm not seeing it here.  Or am I just blind or crazy? 

We still see it: 

Thanks!  I figured out what happened (I think).  I don't see the patches when I open this page with IE.  I went to Chrome and the patches were sitting right there waiting for me.  Very bizarre!  Thanks again for making me keep looking!  :-)

А будет ли игра переведена на русский? А то я, и море моих знакомых, друзей, жаждут поиграть, но от покупки удерживает не знание языка. А сама игра визуально безумно понравилась) 

We're certainly considering it.

Sea of friends? How many do you really mean? 

so without stating any spoilers, I have now finished playing the full r18 version (played regular on my phone a long time ago) and got all the acheivements seen all 9 endings (though I do agree that the bad endings feel sort of like a game over but still got them). I went through my gallery in extras and realized I'm missing the first image in the other tab. I was wondering if you could tell me what to do to go about getting that or give a hint as don't need all the answers just really wondered what the image is of and i like completing games 

The first image in the OTHER tab should be the intro CG (the scene at the  very beginning of the game). Does it say   LOCKED or  is the game crashing when you try to view it? (Or any other  problem?)

Ah. I assumed it would have to be a beginning scene. weird that it says locked still as I did see it. Maybe cause I clicked fast as played before. I'll start a new game and see if it pops in if don't click to fast. I'll let you know if I get it to work. Thanks for the reply. 

Deleted post

We are indeed. Please feel free to submit information!

Argent Games question for you. Who is your favorite love route?


I love your game but I do have a question after playing through 3 stories. Would it be safe to assume that Rivian and Franz is more canon due to the nature of the game and characters?

Nope, no route is more canon than the other!

I purchased the game on Steam and I was looking for the 18R Patch but I honestly don't see the download link for the patch. Am I missing something on the page?

It should be in the download demos section (

Absolutely loved this game. Played until I got the happy ending for my preferred love interest (Arden) and now playing on just to see all the possibilities. But I have to admit, I'm kinda sad I can't have more Arden content now. I've unlocked all of his graphics in the gallery, I've bought the art book (which I recommend, it has both additional gorgeous graphics AND some cute/funny BTS stuff) and now I want more Arden content but don't know whether there is any to be found or, if there is any, where. Please advise? Thank you!

So I bought the game again form and I can't manage to download it on my S9+. Like after I download it and play and then save my things then later open it, it says error and unable to open. And when I press download there is only one file.

(1 edit)

I have a question of who are the characters that have a route and how many for each and how many are there altogether.

From what I've seen so far, the main love interests are Arden, Franz and Linnaeus. I've seen 4 out of 9 possible endings, so my guess by the ones I've seen is that you have a good and bad ending for each of the love interests, plus 3 that are different (because one of the four I've seen was an ending that had little to do with any of the love interests). There's also a side romance, but I haven't unlocked it yet, so can't report on its contents...

Deleted 40 days ago

Hello, please play through the beginning again and make different choices. Depending on which choices you make, you'll automatically be placed on Arden's (or another character's) route.

(1 edit)

It's so annoying how I didn't know that there was different versions and I bought it on steam. Also I bought the art book and it never loaded. I can't find it anywhere on my steam even though it says I've bought it. Is there anyway to add the r18 version on steam? 

Please download the [Patch] file on this page (under the DOWNLOAD DEMOS) section and follow the instructions included in the README to install the R-18 patch.

You can find instructions for finding the Artbook at the link:

Is there an R-18 version for Android?

Not at this time. There used to be an R-18 version available through here, but we removed it with our recent update to the PG-13 version. We may add it again later.


Ok! Thanks for your reply. I love your games, and was gonna wait to buy it if there wasn't an R-18 version for my device. 


I really hope so I play on my phone and would love the R-18

I was planning on getting the demo for this game, but I noticed it was no longer on the Google play store so I found it on your site. I downloaded it, but when I try to open it, it tells me it has stopped working.

I uninstalled it and reinstalled it. I downloaded it again and once again it didn't work. So I reinstalled it and restarted my phone. Still nothing.

I know I can get it on PC, but I travel a lot so my phone is more covenant.

I have a galaxy s8+.

Thank you

Hello, we have just updated the Google play version of the game. Could you try that and let us know if it works? ((

Thank you. I did that and downloaded the demo, but I couldn't find where to buy it. Also when I went into the extra section and clicked on other I got a wall of code. I took a screen shot if you need to see it.

One last thing, when I clicked on credits nothing happened. It didn't even light up.

Thank you again for your time.

We've updated the Google play version to fix the bug with the Extras section. Credits will be unlocked once you've completed the game at least once. 

Purchase screen will show up once you've ended up on one of  the routes, and it will ask if you want to purchase the single route or the full game. A future update will add the ability to purchase the full game to the main menu.


The Sabre route doesn't seem to be working or have you removed it?

It should be there? Did you meet the route conditions to get on his route? 

Yeah, I followed  some walkthroughs but still ended up with Arden in the end no matter what I picked.

Hi! I am having the same problem, I have done everything I need to do to go his route and it will not let me.


As expected of Argent! And the soundtracks are amazing everytime.

Hi! My name is Eli and just recently I discovered your game on Google play. It wasn't until I was looking for a walkthrough for franz route that I discovered there was an 18+ scene etc. I was wondering how can I acquire this? I tried downloading the demo patch but it would not let me. Do I need to re-buy the game all over to get these scenes?

18+ version is only available through purchases here, unfortunately, so you would need to buy the game again to access them.


Enjoyed the demo a bunch and, when I get the chance will be buying the full version.The art is great and, I really loved the background music as, it ties in well with the theme of the game. The voice actors were well played and, unique which really helped boost the atmosphere of the game.


After meeting Linnaeus this error message shows up. What could I do? I'am using

Could you try downloading the game again? It sounds like not all the files were downloaded properly o_o

I'll try. Thanks ^^!


I tried it twice, even downloading it out of  but it happens again.

The 2 times I download it I installed the Patch 18, and when moving the file "script.rar" always asked me to exchange it instead the file w the same name in "game" carpet. Maybe this has somethingto do with?

I'll try playing the game without the Patch 18.

Let us know if it works without the patch. If it does, then something is being deleted improperly when you apply the patch.

I can't get the patch for the R18 to work. I keep getting network failed or Forbidden error issues with the download and I have tried it on multiple systems. is there another way or site I may attempt this? 

Can you try this?


I just finished watching people play Red Embrace and congratulations! You guys made another awesome game. I someday hope to turn my own stories into games or books ( I do write yaoi romance), you guys are my inspiration!

We currently have a call for writers open (though we may close it soon), and we hope you'll apply if that's something you'd like to pursue!


Goodness that would be awesome! Unfortunately I'm not quite an adult yet, so I'm not sure I could.  I've been thinking, however, looking into learning how to make visual novels. I think it would be a great experience, so I'll check that out. But I think it would be so cool to write for you guys! I'm not a professional or anything, writing's just something I do for fun. I guess now it's become a full time hobby, though

Let us know if you need any help with making VNs!  We have a dedicated channel in our Discord to general gamedev and helping others out^^

I've been watching people play this game, and have fallen in love! But it is simply too expensive for me. That is why I have this question: is it possible to get a game key? And if so, what would I need to do to get it? It's alright if I can't, it was just a thought  I had.

We'll be holding a raffle soon since we just hit 1010 Twitter followers!

Well darn. I don't own Twitter. Thank you though! I really like your games

The raffle will be posted throughout most of our channels, as we know a lot of our fans don't use Twitter!


Good! I'll check it out when I have a chance

Just in case you haven't seen:

where is the patch?

(1 edit)

It's in the downloads section  by all the demo downloads. It should be near the bottom of the page.

**Do note there is no patch for games purchased through Google Play**


thanks, i found it. for some reason the itchio app wasnt allowing me to see it from there so i had to find it through the browser.

(1 edit)

hi i bought the Full VA game from Google play can i patch the game to the 18r version  or can't i?

If yes how to patch please 

Can you make me have access to the links above 

Hello, unfortunately Google Play versions cannot be patched to add R-18 content.

Hi, guys, quick question!

I just bought the Android version on itch, and it says that there's supposed to be a zip for both the .apk and .obb files. However, the download gave me ONLY the .apk, which I installed and such on my phone. The game is completely playable, but I don't get the 'R-18' splash screen; not sure if the android version differs from steam in that regard.

ANYWAY! Is JUST the .apk file good for the full-VA R-18 game, or do I need the .obb file as well? And, if the latter, would you mind throwing me a link or something to where I could find it? 

ಥ ◡ ಥ

Thanks so much and keep up the AMAZING WORK~❤

Ah, looks like we changed it to just be the single .apk file. There should be another download button for the R18 version in your itch downloads page (4 Android download buttons really...2x no-VA and 2x VA ones).


It’s been a while since I played Chess of Blades. But since I liked the game a lot and I’m on now, I‘d like to give my impression (possible spoilers included).

Overall, the game was a great experience. I was hooked since the first time I heard about it, because I’m a sucker for fantasy, romance and aristocratic themes. Moreover, the characters were very handsome and fascinated me at first sight. Initially, I wasn’t sure about the humor part because I usually don’t like comedy that much. But I have to say, it turned out to be very pleasant. It didn’t feel ‘over the top’, as it is often the case in games with comedic themes. And I had the feeling that it fitted very well with the noble setting and the puffed up little peacock boys and girls (as Sabre would say).

I also liked the characters, especially the cold-hearted Linnaeus and the passionate Franz. They were so different in their personality. I remember that one dinner scene when they sat at the table next to Rivian and looked at each other in such a malicious way. I already saw the cutlery flying through the room. : D Of course, Rivian was great as well. He was such a cutie with his unique sense of humor and his social allergy! I couldn’t have wished for a better protagonist. I also liked the supporting characters. Everyone had their own unique personality and was an important part of the story and the world.

The storytelling is very good, too. Each route had a different story to tell, so you didn’t get the feeling of having seen everything after completing one route. That motivated me to play through the game several times. I also liked the many secrets and plot twists. Especially Sabre’s route was a very interesting surprise. It wasn’t what I expected (in more than one way hehe). But I’m very happy how that turned out to be.

The art style is also very beautiful. The characters and backgrounds are carefully designed and a lot prettier than in Requiescence. The protagonist and his three love interests look very detailed and elegant and their appearance fits well with the setting. The same is true for the supporting and antagonistic characters.

But also the background characters are drawn with great care. That’s very important to me, because those minor characters are often involved in the events in one way or another, even if we often don’t know exactly, who of them is talking at a certain moment. Sometimes, you hear some voices whispering, talking, discussing, or cheering in the background, while seeing different faces. That gives me a feeling of immersion.

The only criticism I have is that some CG's were used for multiple scenes without adjusting the background. For example the identical kissing scene with Sabre in the cellar and in Rivian’s room, although Rivian’s room looks totally different.

I’m really thankful that the game has full voice acting! The voices fit so well with the characters they belong to. I must confess, I really fall for Franz. His voice was so deep and sexy, that I still have goosebumps while thinking about it. Only Sabre’s recording could be somewhat better. I sometimes had the feeling that his dubber’s microphone was of lesser quality. But maybe that's just my imagination. Overall, I liked his voice too.

The music is very memorable, cheerful and goes well with the aristocratic theme. I especially liked the opening tune and the melody that was played at the stalls. You really feel like you are part of the festival. As if you would stroll along and buy things yourself.

Another advantage is that the game is more interactive than Requiescence. I prefer to have lots of choices in a visual novel, so that I can feel more like a part of the fictive world around me. I also liked the way how there’s no obvious way to reach the good ending and therefore you could say something wrong and miss it by accident. When I play a game I want to be challenged and to think about what I'm saying to solve a situation satisfactorily. In this regard, I especially liked the courtroom scene in Linnaeus’ route. 

Unfortunately, the bad endings felt more like a ‘game over’ to me. That was a pity, because I think that endings should be designed in such a way that you feel like you've come to an end, even if it's a negative one.

But that’s the only bigger point of criticism I have. I had much fun with the game. Next to story and characters, I especially liked the playing time. I prefer long visual novels (around 100,000 words ore more) because I often feel that shorter games leave to unresolved issues and open questions. Nonetheless, the Story has the potential to be continued. I wouldn’t mind another game, which is playing in this universe. But it can also be considered a completed work. Both things work.

Thanks again to Argent Games for this very good game. I had a lot of fun with it. Keep up the good work! : )

Love it! I've downloaded the NSFW patches. Can i resume playing the game or must i start over?

You can resume playing from where you left off, no need to start over! :)

Absolutely Loving what I've seen of the game in videos but when I downloaded it onto my tablet and played it.... Everytime before the background changes the screen goes blank except for the background with the music still playing and freezes like that for awhile. Is this normal or....? Is there anything I can do to stop it from happening?

This isn't normal. Are you trying to click/skip through the dialogue too quickly when backgrounds change?

Even if I go super slow it doesn't make a difference on my tablet and I couldn't even get it to open on my computer until I went through steam to download it :( 

What was the error on your computer? If you shoot us an email (, we can try to send you another Android build.

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